First of all, I owe you guys an apology because long time, there is no blog from my side. I know, I have promised you so many blogs but i was so busy in past days. If you guys are following me on Snapchat or Instagram, then you guys know what i have been doing. Will soon reveal it,probably in September only. So, coming to the blog. What you guys think about this word "Badass"? We use this term a lot, but what does it means? And What about Badass Woman? I know you must be thinking about the Badass people and kind of your perception of being "Badass". May be for some of us Badass is bad phrase. And while others use it for someone's personality. Right? Like,she is Badass. Most of the times, Badass is used for a woman. Which is fine, even some call themselves as badass(es). It is good to speak what you feel. I have seen this word mostly in Instagram Bio(s). So, coming to its meaning Badass means someone who is uncompromising and tough. ...
Lets get motivated and feel happiness all around us. Just accept yourself as you are. Feel the Love, Feel the Happiness.