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The Queen of Patience & Understanding - My Mother

These two words are always very heavy for me. I don't know why but having control over these is the most difficult task for me till now. I always admire my mother in everything because she is like that very different and adorable.
So, basic definition of patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay,problems or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
Understanding- the ability to understand something.
I am just all opposite from these words, sometimes i feel like getting it from my mother, or i should take classes on how to have patience and understanding in my nature.
I remember when i was having periods and i just suddenly shouted on her because i was having mood swings at that time and i couldn't control my anger and the most shocking part was that she was still quiet and preferred showing silence over anger.
After 2 hours somehow,i realised that what i did was wrong and said sorry to her.
But that is really okay, because i realised my mistake and it is the good thing.
She is like this not only with me but with everyone.
Sometimes i feel really bad because according to me it is good to show how you feel.
You cannot gulp every emotion for the sake of others.
I just cannot do that. Though, i always wanted to be like her but then i realised i just cannot. Because i am like this only. She is like that, and maybe this is the reason she is my mom.
I feel like all this takes,you know patience, understanding,silence,gulping everything to be a mom or is this inbuilt in every woman on this earth. But i am kind of okay to be like this because may be she is like that only or may be its her choice.
And yes there are somedays, when i want her to say something or yell at me on doing anything wrong but no dude she never did that. She is always with me in my everything whether good or bad.
I remember once i was thinking why she never takes stand or say something.
I always wanted to know her point of view. But i forget that she always do take her stand but her idea of doing things is different. One day when i was really suffering from my "best-friend" problem and i was not in a position to share it with anyone and all i was doing is crying.For me, that phase of  my life was really difficult and all i know is my emotions, what i was feeling at that and not bothered about what my family members were feeling because they were watching me suffering.
After, a week when this problem got resolved my mother asked me everything and said its okay to take wrong decisions and its really fine to feel bad about it but growth is when you won't do this type of mistake again and i know you will never.
Its not bad if you are having very low days now but it will be worst if you will create these again. Forget about everything and accept the fact that your family is with you always.
I was not expecting this from her but after watching me suffering she played like a mom and this is one of the reason i just adore her. 
This is only one incident and i have bucket full of situations like this where she stood so strong and like a wall in front of me.
They are parents i agree but they are human first. There first and foremost priority should be self love and not to be a parent.
Its okay to be a parent but what more than okay is to make a choice.
After being adult i realised that its her choice to be the perfect mom for me, though she loves her work and always the busy bee but for me she is always there. When i started walking,when i was performing on stage, when i was receiving awards,when i fell down from stairs, when i was having fever, when i got higher marks, when i got failed, when i started staring guys, when i was tortured by my friends, when i was in the worst relationship, and this when list is too long but she was there and holding my hand to handle everything and wanted me to see every good in bad. She always says k whatever happens, happens for a good reason and these things i realised now that how a positive attitude towards life can change everything.
If you are feeling low just talk to your mother and in return she will take her day off and will make you even more stronger.
One thing more if you are like me and not able to control your feelings and it comes out exactly at the time you feel,then its okay. 
If you are able to handle your emotions then it is also fine and in case you want to change yourself then it is your choice.
After, watching my mom handling everything so perfeclty i also tried to be like her but no i just cannot. 
I love the way i am,i cannot handle everything so perfectly,i cannot fix everything.
I love the mess and i love the way i am. After all, its my choice and it is the only way i want myself to be.
It is the best thing to learn good from others but changing your personality is not the solution. You cannot copy others not your mom and you cannot change others even not your mom.
If in future also,i'll try to do things like my mom did i know i'll not be happy at the end of the day & i won't be satisfied by the result.
So, it is the best thing if i do the things the same way i want to do because i'll get the same result i wanted to have.

This is the end, hope this blog somehow inspired you. Lots of love.
For further motivational communication appointments and queries you can contact me on twitter & snapchat.

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