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My inspirational Guide - The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind- by Joseph Murphy was published in 1963 but till date it has not gone out of print.

I can suggest you so many books but if you have ever felt bad and de-motivated then it is one of the best book.
I have read it more than 3 times and i'll say it is the one of the inspirational guide to remove your mental blocks, fear and to achieve your goals.
This book is available at amazon at discounted price, just go and purchase.

  remember 3 years back i was not like this, my heart and mind was full of dreams and i was so excited to achieve them but with time my excitement and my dreams were fading and i don't know why. But yes reading helps you and your books are the healer.
Once i read somewhere about the law of attraction,those who don't know about it then you can search it on google or i'll recommend you to read ' The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.

Its kindle edition is also available.

The secret is a movie also but it is quite boring so i'll suggest you to read this book or then you will get to know about the law of attraction and after then if you are really willing to apply it in your life then this book 'The Power of your subconscious mind' by Dr.Joseph Murphy is highly recommended.
This book will shows how changing your thought patterns can produce dramatic improvements in your life.

Dr. Joseph Murphy reveals the vast influences of the subconscious mind on all aspects of existence and direct its power to achieve your goals and dreams.
Dr. Joseph murphy has always being one of my favourite writer and i have read his so many books and there is a thing called reality, guys will get these things from his books.

Few quotes from his book 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' :-

The Treasure is within you. Look within for the answer to your heart's desire.

Your Subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant,will obey you.

Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.

Change your thoughts and Change your destiny.

Never say, "I can't". Overcome that fear by substituting the following : "I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind,"

You are the captain of your soul and the master of your fate. Remember,you have the capacity ti choose. Choose life, Choose love, Choose health, Choose Happiness.

Your subconscious mind has complete control of the functions,conditions, and sensations of your body.

There is only one process of healing and that is faith.

Decide what belief is. Know that belief is a thought in your mind and that what you think you create.

There is no true success without peace of mind.

Become a producer and not a prisoner of your society. Don't hide your light under a bushel.

The secret of youth is love,joy ,inner peace,and laughter. In god there is fullness of joy. In god there is no darkness at all.

And guys this is only a small picture and you should read whole world and m telling you this little world is waiting for you.

This book is available in kindle edition also


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