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Desire, dreams and decisions.

From really long time i was thinking of writing a short story but anyways sometimes its difficult for writers to get a plot but here i am.

Afternoon 2:15pm at restaurant.
A group of ladies talking and having fun and they all are middle aged 35-55 and suddenly Tara asked mahima - what is the matter with you?
Mahima - nothing..why are you asking this?
Tara -  you look are just not paying attention to our group look lost.
Mahima - nothing yrr..i am actually sad.
Tara - Tell me, what happened ??
Mahima - Its my Daughter yrr..
Tara - What happened to your she alright?
Mahima - No, nothing is good between us now..i don' t know..but yrr our equation is not good anymore.
Tara - will you please elaborate your problem?
Mahima - Yrr Tara.. you know my husband died last year and it was his wish to see mehr married and living a happy life and i am managing our home independently alone from past one year. Now i want her to get married and stay happy all her life with her husband.
Tara - So, what is the matter?
Mahima - yrr..she says she is not ready for the marriage yet and she needs time.
I don't know how much time. She is all good and probably till next year she will be post graduated and i don't know how much time she wants. She is doing all good in her life and what i think this is the correct time for her to get married.
Tara- is there any guy in her life?
Mahima - no yrr..i asked her and i asked her about shiv also..but she says mom m not interested in any guy and shiv is my friend only and its nothing between us.
Tara - ohh..then make her sit and talk to her and in case she is not listening talk to her strictly.
Mahima - i just cannot be strict to her. Her father was never how can i be. I love her and i just want the best for my child.
Tara - okay..then you just arrange a meeting with her.
Mahima - you really gonna talk to her?
Tara - No, we gonna talk to me and our other part rhitika.
Mahima - Hehe thank you yrr.
Next Day,

Door bell ringing,
Mahima - Mehr, just go & see who is on the door..
Mehr - sure mom.

Mehr shouting mom look who is on the door Tara and Rhitika di.
Tara and Rhitika - hey are you?
Mehr - yeah m good..we are meeting after so long.
Mahima - (shouting) m coming in 5 mins just make them sit comfortably mehr.
Tara - do not worry..we are comfortable..its our home after all.
They laugh together.
Rhitika - mehr..tell us what is happening in your life..long time no social media updating.. tell us?
Mehr - nothing just..
Rhitika - wat?
Mehr - Mom must have told you.
Tara - Mehr..rhitika is not aware..only i know.
Mahima comes with coffee and snacks.
Rhitika - Mahima..what is the thing?
Mehr is looking sad.. u r looking tensed and Tara is too nervous.
Please tell me what is the matter?
Mehr starts crying..
Mahima - see ...this happens always.
Tara - mahima stop..
Actually rhitika, mahima wants mehr to get married and mehr is not agreeing.
Rhitika - what?
Mehr - i don' t want to get married.
Its my life and my decisions and m not ready for this thing.
Mahima - see..again.
Mehr i want you to be happy.
Mehr - but marriage is not my happiness.
Tara - mehr..just be at your mumma's place..she has done so much for you and see what you are doing?
Every girl has to marry someday..then why not today?
You are already 23..
Mehr - means i should get marry..right?
Mahima - can you talk like this?
Rhitika - but mahima listen to her also..may be she has some dreams..
Mahima - what dreams rhitika?
Tara - and at the end everyone wants to get married ..then what is the problem.
Rhitika - no..not everyone wants the same thing.
Mehr goes back to her room frustrated.

Rhitika - mahima..what are you doing? She is your daughter and you love her so much, then why are you doing like this?
Tara - what is she doing?
Rhitika - Tara,mahima..we 3 are working independent women and only we 3 much we love our work and how much successful we are today..and mahima you see are so much successful and you are managing everything your job,your husband's business, home, mehr, aadi, everyone all alone by your own then why not your daughter?
After all she is your daughter.

You both look at yourself and you know everything about this generation and we have decided that we will be best friends with our kids and then you are becoming so called mother.
Mahima - but what about my husband's dream.
Rhitika - your husband want your daughter to be happy first and get married later.

Now you both do one thing..m going to mehr's room and i'll talk to her and you guys just stay outside and listen to not let her know,you are listening everything.

Rhitika knocks at mehr's room.
Mehr - Rhitika di..Why are you asking?
Rhitika - i was just thinking of taking your permission.
Mehr - you don't have to..
Rhitika - no..actually i thought you want some alone time right now.
Mehr - no..its not like that.
Rhitika - okay..then its good.
Mehr - actually this thing..happens daily between me and mom and its ruining our friendship.
Rhitika - i can see that.
Mehr - i love her a lot and seriously i just cannot see her tensed. You know everyday i wake up i see her in tension. She do so much for us..right from handling her own job to dad's business.. i just cannot see her like this. I just cannot see that she has no time of her own. I miss my old mma.

I want her to relax for a while but that really doesn't mean she will get satisfied only after my marriage. I feel bad di. She is my mom. She was my best friend and i don't know why she is behaving so strange.

Moreover, its about my future and my life and i have my own career and so many oppotunities in front of me. I want to do something big and something like my dad did. I know m 23 but does it really means i should get married. No.. i want to stay with my mom and travel the whole world with her. I want her to smile and laugh and that too without any problem in her mind. After all, she deserves all this. She has done so much for us and now its our time.

I am ready to do something unique and big but i need some time. And i have never thought of getting married right now.
I don't know may be after four - five years marriage will be on my list but honestly i will marry only when i'll be ready. After all its about my life and my life's decision. Its all up to me. I am not in a mood to give any of my authority to anyone on this earth except my mom but she is also behaving like some stranger. She is not listening to me and like every other mother she is asking me to get married as if marriage is the solution of all problems.

Rhitika - no dear, its not like know your mother too was married at age of 28 and trust me she is not like this in the way she is behaving right now...she is open minded and independent woman. I know she is behaving really strange but dear she wants to fulfil your dad's dream to get you married and she is doing only because she thinks in case she will too become unable to see your marriage. I think you are getting my point. All you have to do is talk to her and communicate each and everything, make her understand that you really love her and you too understand that it is just the phase of feeling and no one is wrong. All you have to do is make her understand that she has plenty of time in which you really gonna make her proud and will continue to love her like this, no matter how harsh the situation is.
 Make her believe in you & your happiness. Just do it.
Mahima- no..she really don't have to do all this. I have listen everything. I am sorry mehr.M really sorry, just because of my insecurities and fear i forgot about your feelings. Its your life, your dreams, your desires and your decisions.

Thank you rhitika. Thank you. You are a very good mother and above all you are so pretty by heart. It really means a lot.
Tara - yes, are really great. 

So, this is the end of my story. Do tell me if you are able to relate to my story. 
The character rhitika was inspired by one of my friend with the same name - Rhitika Singh.
Though, i was not able to portray her thinking properly but she is like that. My this post is only for her. I just salute her thinking,her feelings and i love the way she is so mature in her twenties. Love you girl. You are really very strong and we need girls like you. 

Do Follow me on : -
Twitter- guriyachhatwal
Snapchat - guriyachhatwal
Instagram - geecee_09.

For further updates and mindblowing quotes.

I am giving link of the life in you collection too which is related to my last post. 


  1. I am honoured.I have no words to express what I am feeling right now.Thank you so much for being sweet and thoughtful sweetheart.I am so lucky to have you in my life.Love you heaps dear.God bless you🙏

  2. God bless us❤ Love you too😘😘


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