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Yesterday was the Best Day to Die for!!

A big Hiiii,

To everyone, especially those who are reading my blog on a continuous basis. You know what you guys are awesome, doing something good in your life. Yes i am saying about my blogs.

As I was not blogging on daily basis, it simply means i was getting so many messages from you guys and i'll try to blog daily.

So, coming back to this blog. You guys must be thinking, why I am saying like this?
What about yesterday? Is it something related to super blue moon, ohh sorry!! its #superbluemoon #bluebloodmoon .

But now i am going to break your level of curiosity.

My this blog is related to me only. Yesterday was best day for my death.

Actually, what happened was like this,

My elder sister was using Instagram. She was busy using it and suddenly she said yrr..guriya I also want to do musically. So, what will be your reaction when you hear this from your sister who is elder than you and  27 years old.

Right I was in shock.. A Big Shock!!

Its not over yet, my best friend just messaged me her musically video on some Shraddha Kapoor Dialogue. It was very Bad and then she said it was good as it was her first time.

And at night my another friend, messaged me..Are you on musically?

I said no. Then he was like, are not on musically..why yrr??
Everyone is using are a sample in this world.

Just because i am not using musically it means that I am a sample in this world.

I was like okay fine, i have to study so i'll talk later.

But I started exploring musically on Instagram and I saw many Child artists and many other actors including Shahid Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Disha Patani etc.

The fact was they all were using musically, dancing using their phone cameras, making videos and uploading them.When i was exploring musically's official page on Instagram. I must say people are  really talented and they have a great platform for showing their talent but i was disappointed after watching all those videos.
Because these videos are not only promoting talent but they are also promoting negativity. When I just saw girls of 14-15 yrs of age doing makeup and dancing and posing, i felt bad.

That is why i said yesterday was Best day to die for. As nothing can be so bad and disturbing than these musically videos.

I remember the day when i was at my family function, i was talking to my cousin about all these things. I saw a little girl of good height taking selfies and actually was good at posing but sometimes, i just miss their immaturity and their fresh skin ofcourse.

There is nothing bad at showing talent.If you have show them, it is a good platform but somewhere we guys are not using it properly.

I have seen girls posing like a model and singing love songs. Honestly, sorry guys there is no love at the age of 15 yrs. Trust me, its always funny crushes. Doing so much of makeup and making videos is not the best way of getting attention and showing how beautiful you are.

Those cover girls on magazine are doing hard work from so many years and that is why they are able to get that figure and face. And even they are not perfect. Ask them and m telling you they will be missing food.

Talking about myself. For god's sake, I just cannot be on diet and that too just for the sake of getting attention and proving myself how pretty I am. Sorry dude.

I think there is an age or i'll say a maturity level of doing these things. Before time, everything looks bad. With time everything is at peace.

If you see a guy at tea stall probably of 7 yrs , serving tea to customers.
What will be your reaction. I know you guys will ignore because it is the mentality of every Indian to not interfere in other people matters, but yes still they are good at gossiping.
But somewhere, you will feel bad and will definitely have a thought that,
it is his age of doing studies and here is working so badly. So, my reaction is for musically.

It seems like everyone has gone mad for the sake of attention. 

So, later on when my sister installed musically and saw so many videos and she tried making it on Rahul Anjali Cheater- Cheater from Kuch Kuch Hota hai  And after laughing for almost 20 minutes, she said this is all bullshit, why everyone is so obsessed with this especially teenagers. I said some famous child artists and actors are getting a good amount of money for the promotion of this app and some are really talented and sorry but rest are all fools and making fool of themselves and helping the owner of musically to earn money.

She laughed.

So guys everyone is imperfect. There is no need to use so much of make up and there is no need to crave attention. Trust me social media is good but somewhere, it is playing with your lives and above all your confidence. Use it appropriately and do not make it your life. It is just a small part of your life and one more thing not everyone on Instagram can be a photographer or blogger. 

So, at the end I got my life back.


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