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Your second last chance

Whole family was sitting in a circle covering whole room with a boy sitting in the middle and everyone was tensed and staring at the boy.
He was all quiet watching all the drama, somewhere in his heart he was feeling sad but above all he is more mature then his elders.
Okay,you must be thinking why is this all drama.
XII class results were out.
Shiv scored 52% marks only.
Everyone outside & inside family even those who were nothing in his life trying to be worried as if shiv is nothing now.
Everyone is judgemental.
But judging someone on their marksheet is totally the symbol of how knowledgable you are. Your life is not your 1page marksheet or 2 page resume, life is more than that.
So coming back to shiv,
In that room,everyone was giving their advises what to do next, he has not even cleared his entrance exams. What will he do. After his marks, he is not fulfiling up any university's eligibility criteria. What will he do next. He is all empty,some relative said
We are worried about his future now,his mom said.
I am too worried, we have provided everything best coaching, best school, best teachers,still.,his dad said.
Shiv was ignoring everyone but how can he ignore his parents,he loves them.
He is not ready to face these words and faces anymore,so he locked himself in his room. He was not doing anything wrong.
So, no one asked him and his parents decided to let him quit this year and he'll again give entrance exams for engineering. It was so strange that at the end of the day, you are not the owner of your life.Every other person is taking decisions your mom,dad, relatives, and many other.
He agreed to his parents decision.
After a year, he again tried to clear entrance exams, again he was not successful. It was again 'fail'.
Now his parents are more tensed, nervous,frustrated.
But the only thing changed for now is their living room was empty. After a year, there was no relative, no family friends.
The very next day,
Shiv was all alone in his home,what all he was doing is thinking,thinking and thinking again. As it was the only option he was left with. He was all way thinking about his parents and sacrifices they have made for his schooling,best coaching, he wanted to be star of their eyes and all he was empty. He staring at facebook walls of his friends who were enjoying in colleges, those who are in abroad posting photos, their girlfriends and the girl he used to love in his school.
He was staring at her facebook wall & instagram photos,how she is changed now, she is looking mature and more beautiful, every night he used to see whatsapp statuses, snapchat stories & all. He was feeling so helpless and above all he wanted to be successful atleast successful in his parents eyes.
His passion for new destination continued to be in his mind. He was surfing the internet, somehow his mind was all over the pilot thing.
Day and night, he was thinking about being a pilot and getting to see the whole world. But after all that previous year, he was not in a position to ask his parents about the training and application money.
He was afraid of asking them. Day and night, he was getting closer to his dreams.
On a sunday,
His dad asked him, what you gonna do?
Do you have any idea? What are you thinking?
Shiv - Dad..
Shut up,his dad said
He wanted to asked his dad but as he was not ready, he asked his mom for some money.
After answering his mom's each & every question. He decided to enter the aviation world. He was all ready now.
He got the money but now all he has to do is clearing his exam and perform well in the training.
Shiv showed courage and after submitting his money and application form, he asked his mom and dad and told them each & everything about how that pilot stuff is all drooling over his mind.
His mom & dad, after a day, granted him permission to join aviation industry & now shiv has started preparing for it.
We do not know what will be the next thing in his life but all i will say is all the best to him.
I wish the guy all luck and success for his wonderful future. So guys, i don't know i am able to connect with you or not but somewhere i know some of you guys are reading it,loving it.
One of you guys followed me on snapchat & shared his story with me & dude m happy to share your story because i love talking and collaborating with you guys.
I don't know how many you are reading this but guys start taking yourself seriously because only you guys know all the answers to your question, you love yourself the most. I know you love your family too and somewhere your family is your first priority but guys if your parents will see you happy, they will become happy too. All this is in your hand.

You know there is a dialogue in a bollywood movie, hasee toh phasee in which pareeniti chopra said chance kabhi last nhi second last hota h,so guys you should keep trying and in this way you will get too far in your life.
Just tell me when you take a group selfie who is the first person you see, the first person you see is the person you love the most.
Honestly,i see myself first before anyone else and i know i love myself.
Guys from my personal experience m saying you please take your stand timely and do not hesitate in front of your parents and please communicate each & everything with them. They love you more than anyone else. Their love for you is selfless. They get angry because they are very much protective in your case.
And if you guys are still hesitating then talk to me, i will show you the way to communicate with your parents and just know one thing i am always there for you.
No matter what,you can discuss each & everything with me.
You know what m doing ca, if you don't know its full form is chartered accountancy and it is one of the toughest professional course. After clearing my inter exam,i started doing internship & guys that internship was hell for me, i was not in a position to leave as it will affect my career ,i don't know how many times i was sleepless at night & i was like all alone,having a whole family i was not in a position to discuss it with anyone. I don't know why but going to the office was scariest thing ever and i was like i have to do it,i want to be a ca. And with passing days, my health started giving answers, i was like every week having fever. You know what in whole month i was just going only for 12-13 days and 15-16 days i was all on bed.
Then finally i decided to talk to my parents. I don't know how but they accepted my views and told me not to join your office and somehow we will find some other way. Or just know one thing,your health is the first thing above everything.
So guys,from my personal experience m telling you all you have to do is communicate it properly with your parents. They love you, trust me and guys i love you too. And thank you for loving my blog.
It means a lot.
Or yes one more thing after reading this story, do review it and let me know what type of story you want further, travel or motivational.
And yes yes one more thing love yourself,and accept yourself as you are and there is no last chance, there is always a second last chance. Keep trying and doing better.

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